Occupy Cooperative partners with several products and service advertisers in affiliate programs that allow us to keep our website running and recommend products that will help you on your journey to financial freedom.
When you follow affiliate links on our website, we will receive a small commission for your purchases at no extra cost to you. Each click and conversion on an affiliate link helps us to help you by continuing to operate as a team.
However, we remain committed to maintaining editorial integrity and will not recommend products and services unless we’ve thoroughly researched them and are convinced that they will add value for you, our readers.
We are not compelled to provide positive reviews for our affiliate partners’ products and are not compensated for any recommendations. We will never recommend a product that will not be a useful resource for you as you work towards achieving complete financial freedom – the overarching ethos that drives our team.
Our readers are our number one priority at Occupy Cooperative. Affiliate programs are a way to generate income from our website and continue providing you with financial guidance and tips to make the most out of your money. We appreciate your continued support for us and our partners.